At Onkore we are passionate about

Improve the quality and speed of your business decisions through easy-to-use, scalable and customizable technology.

Together we can accelerate the generation of value for companies.

Onkore Team – 2023

– How do we do it?

At Onkore we mitigate risks to maximize opportunities through the intelligent use of data.


We understand your point of view

We have extensive experience in the industrial sector:

– Automation

– Production

– Maintenance & Asset Management

– Quality

– Planning


We understand technology

We have extensive experience and knowledge in:

– Big Data

– Data science

– Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

– Cybersecurity


We offer you what you need

Our proprietary technology is designed to be easy to use:

– Customize

– Implement

– Use

– Climbing


We create value for you

Our unique solutions address your business challenges, ensuring a return on investment in less than 12 months.

We offer a customized system, real-time operation with automatic alerts, risk assessment, integration of information sources, all in one place.

"Our Goal is to make people make better decisions. Our challenge is to make it easier and easier."

Mauricio Boada
Founder- Onkore

Onkore Partners

- Solutions and services

DASHKORE - Performance Analytics

MAINKORE - Maintenance Analytics

RISKORE - Risk Assessment & Predictive Modeling


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